He preferred the hard truth to his dearest illusions.
/ Carl Sagan's epitaph to astronomer Johannes Kepler /

In memoriam Halton C. Arp (1927-2013).

My astronomy sketches. Hover mouse over image for the inverted look. For fainter objects, take a look at the black-on-white original, sometimes it reveals more details.

Need advice? Want to discuss an observation? Feel free to contact me at flovro gmail*com.

ÚJ! Amennyiben elérhető, a ikonra kattintva magyarul is olvashatod az észlelést.

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Averted vision

   You may read frequently that I've used averted vision to see an object. This is a technique to see fainter objects. The trick is that the most sensitive area of your eye is not the point that's exactly behind your pupil, but it's a bit off-axis on your retina. This means, that if you look next to an object, you will be able to see fainter details, than looking at it directly. Your eye will always try to look at the object directly, but with a little practice you'll be able to use the full potential of your eyes.

   This 'sweet spot' is at a different place on the retina for every observer, for example I have to look a bit up and right as seen on this sketch, to use my most sensitive area of my retina:

To get the most out of the galaxy, I have to look at the point marked with the green cross

   The gain in my case is dramatic: I can detect about 1 magnitude fainter objects or details with averted than with direct vision.

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DIY - Cheshire Eyepiece
DIY - Apodizing mask

Messier Marathon 2013 Tavasz [magyarul]
Messier Marathon 2015 Tavasz [PDF]NEW!


All text and images are ©opyright of Ferenc Lovró. All rights reserved worldwide.
