NGC 185 (Galaxy)
Right ascension: 0h 40m
Declination: 48° 26'
Constellation: Cassiopeia
Date/time: 2016.11.22 22:00 UT
Equipment: 12" f/5 Newtonian
FoV: 25'
Magnification and filter(s): 167x
Seeing: 7/10
Transparency: 3/5
SQM: 21.05 m/as2
Temperature: 2°C
Humidity: high
Wind: none
Sight: 3 - definite details, interesting look
Difficulty: 1 - instantly visible, no dark adaptation or averted vision needed
Position: 3 - moderate, some starhopping needed
Location: Talpa Minor Observatory
Observer: Ferenc Lovró
Large, a little bit oval shaped bright galaxy. It's very gently elongated SW-NE. The core is visibly brighter than the rest, and looks as if there's a mustache-shaped feature on its major axis. This detail is not readily visible, takes a bit of patience and time to appear. The humidity of the air is getting extremely high, making the circumstances far from ideal.
Hi-resolution image: [ reversed sketch | original sketch ]