C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) (Comet)
Right ascension: 3h 36m
Declination: 12° 07'
Constellation: Taurus
Date/time: 2015.01.13 21:35 UT
Equipment: 12" f/5 Newtonian
FoV: 2° 15'
Magnification and filter(s): 50x
Seeing: 6/10
Transparency: 4/5
SQM: 21.16 m/as2
Humidity: dry
Wind: none
Sight: 5 - plentyful of details, a must see object, jaws dropped
Difficulty: 2 - easily visible, some dark adaptation needed, averted vision might add to details
Position: 2 - easy, bright star nearby
Location: Nádasdladány, Hungary
Observer: Ferenc Lovró
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) is at its brightest, therefore it's easily visible with your unaided eyes in the constellation Taurus the Bull. With bare eyes it resembles M44 only brighter. With my telescope it reveals many details in its curvy tail which I can follow for about 2 degrees. The head or coma of the comet is oval, or a little bit egg shaped. The core is bright, looks like an out-of-focus star. Just beautiful! The sketch is a mosaic of about two fields.
Hi-resolution image: [ reversed sketch | original sketch ]