NGC 1528 (Open cluster)
Right ascension: 4h 15m
Declination: 51° 13'
Constellation: Perseus
Date/time: 2008.02.12 19:00 UT
Equipment: 12" f/5 Newtonian
FoV: 25'
Magnification and filter(s): 71x
Seeing: 7/10
Transparency: 3/5
Location: Nádasdladány, Hungary
Observer: Ferenc Lovró
I've had the opportunity to look at this beautiful, dense open cluster on "moonless" nights. Then it seemed to have a quite diffuse background. This effect was missing now, although I've seen it as a fuzzy, foggy spot even through the finderscope, thanks to its relatively high gross luminosity of around 6.4m. Although it's a splendid view even in moonlight, its real character can be seen only on really dark nights.
Hi-resolution image: [ reversed sketch | original sketch ]