M36 (Open cluster)
Also known as: NGC 1960
Right ascension: 5h 37m
Declination: 34° 9'
Constellation: Auriga
Date/time: 2011.12.20 22:00 UT
Equipment: 12" f/5 Newtonian
FoV: 42'
Magnification and filter(s): 71x
Seeing: 2/10
Transparency: 3/5
Location: Nádasdladány, Hungary
Observer: Ferenc Lovró
Very spectacular object that is easy to spot, clearly stands out from its background. Large cluster with about a dozen bright stars dominating the view. Their colours are slightly different, some of the brighter stars are strongly orange coloured. Finished just after midnight, Central European Time, so it's 12.21 already, hooray, it's my birthday! :D
SQM reading: 20.82m/arcsec2, -6°C, slightly humid weather with NELM getting worse by every moment.
Hi-resolution image: [ reversed sketch | original sketch ]