M34 (Open cluster)
Also known as: NGC 1039
Right ascension: 2h 42m
Declination: 42° 47'
Constellation: Perseus
Date/time: 2008.01.25 18:00 UT
Equipment: 12" f/5 Newtonian
FoV: 47'
Magnification and filter(s): 71x
Seeing: 5/10
Transparency: 3/5
Location: Nádasdladány, Hungary
Observer: Ferenc Lovró
Shiny, large size open cluster with four brighter stars in the middle of it. It's not too dense, therefore it may not be easily detectable in the finderscope. For me the real essence of it are the high number of double stars, however not all of these are real binaries in real.
Hi-resolution image: [ reversed sketch | original sketch ]