Copernicus crater (Our Moon)
Also known as: Copernicus + Fauth + Gay-Lussac
Right ascension: h m
Declination: ° '
Date/time: 2009.12.26 17:15 UT
Equipment: 12" f/5 Newtonian
FoV: '
Magnification and filter(s): 250x + 30% neutral filter(s)
Seeing: 4/10
Transparency: 1/5
Location: Nádasdladány, Hungary
Observer: Ferenc Lovró
This is my first ever Moon-sketch, displaying craters Copernicus, Fauth and Gay-Lussac with some other sub-craters and domes not noted on the sketch. This is my actual sketch done at the eyepiece, no alterations were made after manually or digitally, other than resizing. It took about 45 minutes to finish, and I'm quite satisfied with it, althouth I've found that sketching the Moon is indeed very hard and very different from sketching deep space objects. Perhaps I should not finish Lunar sketches at the eyepiece but create only drafts with different markings for different shades and create the actual sketch in the warmth of the room. As an additional difficulty, the sky was 100% covered with a thin layer of cloud which made the image to be in constant change, only 1 or 2 stars was visible here and then. Moon phase was about 69%.
Hi-resolution image: [ reversed sketch | original sketch ]